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Utah Water Shares for Sale.
Actually, they're kinda free.
That ok?

Get 4 shares for free:

  • The Utah OSR Land Co-op owns 2,854 acre-feet of water rights at the Riverbed Ranch off-grid farming community.

  • When you purchase a share in the co-op, you get
    your choice of any of the 2.0 to 2.4 acre parcels
    to build out your own off-grid, low-tech, family farm.

  • Along with your share in the co-op, you can get at least 4 acre-feet of water rights for your exclusive use.

We're building an off-grid, farming community where self-reliant people can work for themselves and with their neighbors to create a self-sustaining community (as much as is possible these days).

We already have over 125 shareholders planning or building out their off-grid farms at Riverbed Ranch.

Watch our videos below to get a clearer picture of this very unique project.

Utah water shares for sale

Our 100th shareholders thought us crazy!

Tour Our Off-Grid Town Virtually

 Watch our (out-dated) virtual tour video:

Our Backstory

This 53-minute video gives the backstory for Riverbed Ranch, as well as introduces the Academy of Self-Reliance, our educational non-profit partner that helps families create a thorough plan for their off-grid farm.

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11840 N Riverbottom Rd, Riverbed Ranch, Utah 84648  ●  385-202-6024

(C) 2021 por NewSalem Web Services. Reservados todos los derechos.

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